Sunday, June 7, 2009

Well here it is....Yesterday and today we were putting shingles on the roof..we have just less then half done..We also put some trim up in the corners and did some work on the garage door...You can see my garden in the front of the picture..Everything is up and doing real good, this is the second year I've had a garden and I love it........Well I'll update you again soon..

Friday, June 5, 2009


Well awhile back I told you I would have a surprise for you in a few days...Well he was late but here he is...Isn't he beautiful?..He is a reg. Shetland colt out of a multi champion stallion...Soundviews Cinn City....He was born last night which would have been my mom's birthday, that made it very special to me....Also I wanted to mention the progress on our house. I didn't realize we were going into a holiday weekend so the kids wanted the weekend off so they didn't work..then Burt's sister came for a couple days and that means golf. Well we love to play golf so while the kids were playing so were we...Anyway I will show you a picture Sunday night..We are all ready to put the shingles on and I will show you how far we get by Sunday night..I'm hoping the weather doesn't rain, that could slow us down but whatever happens I will take a picture for you...Have a great weekend everyone...